It all started when Yuan Shikai took over the Chinese Government.
The Japanese seized the chance to try and snag a bit of China called Manchuria and some of the nearby provinces and because China was rather weak at the moment, it had to agree. Things went well until Yuan died one year later. Well that gave this other guy to take a chance to grab China (People were pretty greedy!) This dude’s name was Sun Yixian and he organized a group of followers and marched straight into China to take it over. He named his group the Nationalist Party (Sounds really important.) They asked Russia to come and help them take over China. They agreed.
The Russian Army and Sun’s followers prepared to take over the rebelling warlords that were spread across China. In 1925 Sun Yixian died, but his army didn’t. It started it’s mission to take China. The army successfully marched through the country slowly pushing in. Eventually Russia helped the Chinese form the Chinese Communist Party or CCP. Because of complications and rebellions in Japan, the provinces that it had conquered became its own country called Koumintang. And became enemies with China. The CCP broke up into hiding because Chiang Kai-shek the leader of the Revolutionary Army began to attack them (Uh Oh.)
Eventually Chiang found them and sent an army after them. So on October 15, 1943 one hundred thousand CCP members started walking. They walked for over a year growing hungry and tired. Many died of starvation or cold (Whew.) They walked over mountains and grasslands. When they finally arrived in Wuqi only 5,000 people remained. A man named Mau had led them the whole way. He was recognized as the leader of the CCP. In the end the CCP and Koumintang eventually agreed to unite into one country. China. (Yay!)